Crypto TREND - Next Version

 DigitalTicksExchange group comprises of traders, industrialists. Entrepreneurs, Blockchain enthusiasts. To really make the exchange effective DigitalTicksExchange revolutionary developers have given all the extra initiatives to comprehend the requirements and demands of the traders beginning novice to professional. The system is customized in such a way that it is easy to use by all the marketplace participants be it a Hedger, Scalper, Arbitrager or Speculator.

DTx is DigitalTicksExchange UTILITY Token. DTx Application small are available applying Bitcoin, Ethereum and bank line transfers. The pre-sale of the token had begun on March 25, 2018, and the Public purchase on May 15, 2018. The small purchase ended on July 15, 2018.The staff is pleased to announce about their successful Token Sale. Through the small purchase staff have bought an overall total of 64 an incredible number of tokens thereby increasing 30 million USD. There are currently 30,000 plus community customers of DigitalTicks and the count is growing much faster.

The trading software of DigitalTicksExchange is a lot softer and supplies a great Consumer Program with multiple functionalities needed by the traders. One of the important advantages of using our platform is that the exchange won't cost any deal fees for the initial several months. This can be quite a great gain oppurtunity for high-frequency crypto news .

We will also offer volume-based incentives to these high-frequency traders planning ahead. We love our customers and wish to develop a good industry for all our documented people thereby supporting them trading cryptocurrency for income by providing normal study reports organized by we of specialist researchers.


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